Google has introduced a new SOS alerts tool to assist user’s during emergency crisis. Whenever there will be an emergency incident, Google user’s will notified and could see the top of search result when looking for information about incidents. The search result will show the map of location where incident took place. You will be notified about incidents even you are away from the location of incident. Google Maps App will show you the updates about the incident and information such as emergency numbers, Map will also tell you about the situation of traffic.Google SOS Alerts feature is very advanced and useful.

Also Read:How to Backup your data with Google Drive.




Google sos


Facebook also working to help people during natural disasters. Facebook has enabled a safety check, whenever there is occurance of a natural disaster, Facebook notifies nearby users to reply that they remained safe in such incident. Google SOS alerts is a hardwork of Google and we should appreciate all the people behind it. For this purpose Google is working with government institutions and other organizations such as Red Cross to help people with SOS Alerts.

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