As all of us are aware about Game of thrones, it’s data has been hacked. Now hackers have released Personal numbers and Email Addresses of some of the actors of Game of thrones, all of this happened due to flaws in cyber security at HBO. Hackers entered into HBO’s servers and they stole 1.5 TB’s data which includes scripts of upcoming episodes of Game of Thrones. According to some of the sources Hackers have released 3.4 GB data and now they have demanded for ransom from HBO in order to prevent further data leaks. Demand of ransom made by hackers of Game of thrones is now confirmed by official sources.

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Game of Thrones

However leaked data contains draft scripts from five episodes of Game of Thrones and some technical documents related to Administrator passwords and HBO’s network. According to HBO’s officials, they are having forensic investigation about this data breach.

It appears to be doubtful that Hackers have obtained the actual Game of Thrones Copies. Any how they have made threats to HBO to pay the ransom in order to avoid leaks of more scripts. A week ago, an episode of Game of Thrones was leaked however this leak was published accidentally by Star India and it has no relation with this hack. HBO has three days deadline to pay the ransom to the hackers of game of thrones. Lets see happens.
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