In las vegas, Robot opened the safe lock, A team of hackers from SparkFun electronics, did a experiment on stage.They opened the Sentry Safe in 30 minutes by using a Robot. Robot helped them to reduce the possible combinations of codes, from millions to thousands and tried the remaining combinations until the code breaks. When Robot sucessfully opened the safe lock, he received applause from audience. According the spokes person to SparFun, this was the most difficult task for them to do this experiment in front of huge audience. The demonstration of this experiment was the largest get together of world’s underground hackers. SparkFun team could not travel with heavy equipment’s so that they bought new items for the stage.
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The robot is not much expensive, it only costs $200, the robot can only opens the analogue locks, it is not capable of opening digital locks.
The lock mechanism of the safe consist of three dials, when correctly placed, allow the lock to be opened. Dials are two digit numbers.
The robot only suss one of the dials to make accurate combination, it is not the scenario that robot tries every combination. The remaining dials cannot be guessed, but by removing one dial, it is easy to find the remaining dials combinations. The team said that this robot is designed to tackle complex situatuions.
However we can proudly say that a robot opened the safe lock
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